Its NOT over!.....

Isaiah 55:8‭-‬9 NIV
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord .  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Why would someone be ok with losing a job? I can answer this question. After being on a job for over 3years and it coming to what some may think an "end". For me it wasn't the "end" it was just my "assignment" at that job was over. With wisdom, knowledge and understanding from God over the years just strengthened me. He says in Jeremiah 29:11 he knows the plans he has for us... GOD knew about this day way before I could even begin to think about it. I not only handled this departure in a positive way, but I remember me telling my former office manager " Okay and this is something i have no control over God has control over this so I'm fine". The look that was given to me was undescribable. From this point I knew that God had this entire situation worked out for the good! I found the good in this situation all around.May I add not one of my bills have been left unpaid and God also tells us he will supply all of our needs Philippians 4:19. I then begin to start taking care of my Temple (body) the way God intends for us to do. I started walking in the park everyday. Watching what I ate as well. This job letting me go was beneficial in many ways . Also, I then had time to focus on my life for most importantly I begin to draw closer to God more and tuned into my ( Marriage/Kids). I'm so grateful for it all. If I could tell anyone anything about a situation as this one or similar it is to trust God regardless of how it looks. God tells us he will NEVER leave us not FORSAKE us. Blessings don't always have to be when God gives us, it can also be when he takes something away!


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