
Showing posts from August, 2017

By his wounds we​ are healed....

Isaiah 53:5 .......By his wounds we are healed. While being in Springfield, Ohio I didn't have any idea what was next for my daughter and myself. All I knew was it would be "Change". My daughter and Myself then moved to Columbus,Ohio. My first job I got in Columbus was working at a call center.In November 2010 while at work one day a pain came and out the blu; all I know it was unbearable in so many ways! In  I then left work to go to the emergency room. Only being in Columbus for 3months I didn't understand what God was doing. Once the doctor's did numerous tests along with a bone biopsy. They found what it was to be a spot on my pelvic bone. There were concerns about me having bone cancer. All I could do at this point was remain calm,but I remember my mom telling me she prayed and she said "Baby God removed that spot you're going to be fine". Understanding what she meant,but not fully understanding what was gonna happen to me. I do remember I wasn

God will NEVER LEAVE YOU....

Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” I became a mother to my first Daugher August 2, 2008. When she was placed in my arms I knew then that this little person would depend me. All these feelings flooded my mind and overall gave me such a over joyous feeling of having someone that would call me mommy! In my eyes it was crunch time. I truly thank God for parents that loved me with everything in them. From this point I knew I had it in me to work taking it I got my first job at 15yrs old. Having a child for the first time meant giving he/she the best of world. I did my best to make that happen for her. It still seemed as though there was something missing. I wanted to still have some type of freedom with going out partying etc. I mean come now I was only "20 yrs old" that still had some fun to have. I did just that off and on until she turned two. Thank God

God has the final say so...

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. I have experienced many test that turned into testimonies. To be honest while going through these tests it didn't feel good at all. While one of my biggest accomplishments I did was graduate high school in May 2006. I also went to technical college in Louisiana and completed a course to receive my CNA certificate. At this point it seemed as though I was on a roll on my way to being a adult. Along with being an adult I had to start going to routine Check-ups for example pap smear"It's a Woman thang" and etc. What I thought to be only a routine check up turned into shocking news. Towards the end of 2006 beginning of 2007 my Gyneocologist spoke with my mom and myself about my papsmear results. He then told us I had what was called HPV( Human Papillomavirus).I then panicked and he told me the breakdown of this vir


Daniel 4:2 NIV It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed for me. Hello my name is Stephanie Harvey. While growing up writing has always been something I loved doing. That's one of the ways I rather express my feelings and thoughts. Iam a Wife, Mother, Daughter, Friend, Sister, Relative and Most of all a Woman of God who has her faults! God means much to me and he has done so much for me! I know one thing God wants us to do and that's share our testimonies to many people. God has put it in my spirit heavy within my heart to share mine. I want my testimonies to be encouraging to many people! I pray if not all but some can be a Blessing and encouragement to many people! ❤🙏 Feel free to reach out to me!