By his wounds we​ are healed....

Isaiah 53:5 .......By his wounds we are healed.

While being in Springfield, Ohio I didn't have any idea what was next for my daughter and myself. All I knew was it would be "Change". My daughter and Myself then moved to Columbus,Ohio. My first job I got in Columbus was working at a call center.In November 2010 while at work one day a pain came and out the blu; all I know it was unbearable in so many ways! In  I then left work to go to the emergency room. Only being in Columbus for 3months I didn't understand what God was doing. Once the doctor's did numerous tests along with a bone biopsy. They found what it was to be a spot on my pelvic bone. There were concerns about me having bone cancer. All I could do at this point was remain calm,but I remember my mom telling me she prayed and she said "Baby God removed that spot you're going to be fine". Understanding what she meant,but not fully understanding what was gonna happen to me. I do remember I wasn't in panic mode and that seemed odd to me. Now with the growth and Knowledge God have given me over the years it was "the peace that surpasses all understanding" I had at this time. The results were in and the spot was benign(Not Cancer). Also, there were test done again and it came back the spot was GONE! All I could do was cry and be thankful to God. The doctor's couldn't explain it of course,but the one thing I remember is what my mom said. When God/Jesus was healing people in the Bible it didn't stop there he's still healing TODAY! Trust God regardless of how it looks she has the final say so!


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