Matthew 5:44
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

I knew the moment I found out that I was having a boy that he was someone special and such a blessing in many ways! Starting kindergarten has been rough for him. He has started to act out in ways that was very shocking to me. I just felt in my spirit that it was something deeper than that. In particular one day upon picking him up from school for an emergency removal. There was a guy who came off as very rude towards my son. Immediately I got frustrated with him. The holy Spirit later it on my heart it was deeper than that. Also, the holy Spirit then put it in my heart to go home and pray for this man. I prayed for him and a few days later we had a meeting where it was just myself and him and he then proceeded to tell me voluntarily he had a 5yr old son whom suffers from a disability where he struggles talking and getting words out. My heart then began to ache for him and I lifted his entire family and the little boy up in prayer. Shortly after maybe a week or so he turned his actions around for the positive to the point where I humbled myself to apologize for getting irritated with him based on his demeanor. I also told him I prayed as well. Regardless of who does you wrong or etc, that is your time to pray for that person and lift them up to God and ask for forgiveness if you have maybe done something that was not of God! Watch how God gives that person a change of heart and even give you a change of heart as well!


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