God will NEVER LEAVE YOU....

Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

I became a mother to my first Daugher August 2, 2008. When she was placed in my arms I knew then that this little person would depend me. All these feelings flooded my mind and overall gave me such a over joyous feeling of having someone that would call me mommy! In my eyes it was crunch time. I truly thank God for parents that loved me with everything in them. From this point I knew I had it in me to work taking it I got my first job at 15yrs old. Having a child for the first time meant giving he/she the best of world. I did my best to make that happen for her. It still seemed as though there was something missing. I wanted to still have some type of freedom with going out partying etc. I mean come now I was only "20 yrs old" that still had some fun to have. I did just that off and on until she turned two. Thank God for my mom and brother for being there for not only babysitting lol, but for watching after my daughter. I went through my 1st breakup during this time; which involved physical fights and mental fights. It was so hard till the point where I thought it was no returning to myself after it, but GOD! My mama always told me "baby you'll be fine God will see you through this". Those prayers my mama prayed sure did reach God! Here iam 29 yrs old and with a sane mind. When my daughter turned 2yrs old I knew I wanted a new start for not only her,but for me as well. My dad is originally from Ohio. I went back and forth in my mind of moving there. When I made my mind up finally my daughter and myself packed up with only our clothes and my car and we moved to Springfield, Oh. While Only staying in Springfield for a few weeks I still felt nervous, but one thing I did Alot of and that was pray and pray some more. Along with reading my Bible every single day. I started to feel some relief and knew from this point on I was gonna be ok. Trust and BELIEVE that God will NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU!!!


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